Heroes Cup II - First Responders Cup

Heroes Cup 2024 was an inspiring and action-packed event dedicated to honoring and supporting our local First Responders. Held at Dodd Stadium on April 14th, the tournament brought together first responders from across California to compete in a friendly yet competitive soccer tournament. The day was filled with excitement, community spirit, and heartfelt appreciation for the brave men and women who keep us safe. Proceeds from the event went towards supporting the Napa City Firefighters Charitable Fund, which we raised $5,000 for through this Heroes Cup, further emphasizing our commitment to giving back to those who serve our community. Thank you to all participants, sponsors, and supporters for making this Heroes Cup a memorable and impactful event!
Coffee for Climate Change

In April 2023, The Hero Foundation through Hero Cafe launched the Coffee for Climate Change Initiative. Marking it as an annual commitment, this initiative dedicated half of all coffee bean sales at the Hero Cafe throughout the month to COOL Effect and their impactful eco-system saving projects. Each bag of coffee purchased not only delivered an exquisite taste but also became a meaningful contribution to counteract climate change. This annual occurrence isn't just a campaign; it's part of The Hero Foundation and Hero Cafe’s pledge to the planet. Every April, with each bag of coffee purchased, our customers join us in making a profound impact.
Heroes Cup

The Hero Foundation's Heroes Cup Soccer Tournament for Charity is a sporting extravaganza with a heartwarming twist. Held at Dodd Stadium on August 5th, this event brought together eight spirited teams for an exhilarating day of soccer action and raised $4,039.51. Beyond the thrill of competition, the tournament had a deeper purpose: all proceeds from the event directly supported the Napa Valley Education Foundation, contributing to valuable educational initiatives in our community. With its blend of teamwork, sportsmanship, and a shared commitment to making a positive impact, Heroes Cup Soccer Tournament exemplified the spirit of community coming together for a greater cause.
Care Package Assembly for Napa Homeless Shelters 2023

In early 2023, HF collected enough donations to assemble over 30 care packages filled with health and hygiene products to Napa's local homeless shelters.
COPE Family Donation Drive

During the Christmas Season, our community rallied together and filled our Diaper Drive donation bin multiple times over the the span of a month for our friends at COPE Family Center. This act of generosity has resulted in several hundreds of dollars worth of diapers for Cope Family Center, ensuring that families in need will have these essential supplies for their family during the Christmas Season of 2023.
Ukrainian Old New Year Celebration Fundraiser

The Hero Foundation's collaboration with Napa Valley to Ukraine; the "Ukrainian Old New Year Celebration" raised $10,000+ for Ukraine. $6,000 has already gone to purchase an ambulance for troops near Donetsk, and $5,000 is now going to set up a mobile warming center in Bakhmut.
HF Diaper Drive for Cope Family Center

The Hero Foundation proudly partnered with the Cope Family Center for our Community Diaper Drive. Recognizing the essential need for diapers in supporting a child's health, we aimed to alleviate some pressures on families in our community.

Fundraising music festival hosted by HF in Downtown Napa raising money for The Hero Foundation's Community Projects Fund! California bands and food vendors joined together for an evening of music and community in the heart of Napa Valley!
Downtown Napa River Community Cleanup II

Hero Foundation admin and volunteers alike gathered at the Downtown Napa section of the great Napa River to tend to the debris and pollution on the shore and in the water, making for a cleaner, healthier local ecosystem!
Care Package Assembly for the Homeless

Our team assembled and delivered over 60 care packages to ABODE Services Homeless Shelter in Napa complete with razors/shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, deodorant, lotion, hand wipes, sunscreen, and Kleenex! Along with the supplies we bought, we also received donations from stores like South Napa Target and South Napa Grocery Outlet! This will be the first of many more care package deliveries to come.
Wine Tasting for Ukraine Fundraiser for World Central Kitchen

The Hero Foundation put together a wine tasting fundraising event in partnership with ONEHOPE Winery and Napario. Proceeds went to World Central Kitchen's Chefs for Ukraine Project to help feed displaced families in War-struck Ukraine.
Hero Coffee Co. Trailer

The next phase in The Hero Foundation's cutting edge fundraising method. Well, coffee isn't all that cutting edge considering its been around in the public sphere since the 15th century, but our Hero Coffee Trailer is pretty neat if you ask us! It is a big leap from our little tent, and we hope it will be instrumental to fundraising for future HF projects to make our community a better place for all!
Harvest Auction 2022

The Rotary Club of North Napa partnered with us to host the third annual Harvest Auction. Proceeds were donated to CanV Food Bank which is an organization dedicated to feeding everyone in Napa Valley no matter their economical status.
Napa Coastal Cleanup Day

The Hero Foundation lead a volunteer community cleanup site for Napa's Coastal Cleanup Day over at the Napa Vine Trail's Hartle Court entrance. 108.1 lbs of trash and over 1,000 cigarette butts were collected during the cleanup by volunteers.
Harvest Auction for ParentsCAN

In November of 2021, The Hero Foundation teamed up with friends and partners at the North Napa Rotary Club to organize a virtual auction to raise money for the local nonprofit organization known as ParentsCAN; an organization that works to provide aid for families raising children with special needs. Community members were able to bid on technology, certificates, wines, and more; all for a great cause. Altogether, we were able to raise $10,373.00 for ParentsCAN.
Hero Foundation X Vitalant Blood Drive

On March 18th, The Hero Foundation and Vitalant joined forces to organize a community blood drive in Napa, CA! The donations were to be tested for Covid-19 antibodies. 27 donors were registered and a total of 24 units of blood were donated that day!
Downtown Napa River Community Cleanup

HF teamed up with their partners at Napa RCD to organize a large-scale cleanup in Downtown Napa to prevent litter getting into the city's water ways!
The Peace March

Folks gathered in front of Napa High’s Memorial Stadium for The Hero Foundation’s Peace March to hear speeches from locals working to create and promote positive change in the community. Each speaker presented to the audience their ideas, stories, thoughts, and strategies for a future free from hate and violence. Spirits were high and hopeful in the idea that love could be implemented as a vital element of our culture and in the mission of creating a more loving, kind, and compassionate society.
The Socially Distanced Community Cleanup

HF admin and volunteers made their way to Kennedy Park to tackle the largest Hero Foundation Community Cleanup to date on February 6th! All while maintaining and practicing social distance guidelines to keep all our Heroes safe!
Hero Cafe

After a year of planning, a large fundraising project took place at HF: Hero Cafe. Proceeds from coffee sales go to The Hero Foundation's community service and disaster relief projects. Starting in upvalley farmers markets, Hero Cafe continues to grow to help its community!
The Hero Foundation Virtual Concert

The Hero Foundation is hosting a virtual charity concert via Zoom comprised of local musicians and bands bringing local music back into our lives despite the pandemic! Half of all proceeds go to the California Community Foundation's Wildfire Relief Fund.
Vine Trail Community Cleanup

Our team of selfless volunteers and students at Napa Valley College picked up around 200 lbs of trash (around 180 lbs landfill and around 15 lbs recycling) that would have otherwise likely found it’s way into our waterways, doing damage to our ecosystems.
Napa Valley Community Based COVID-19 Test Site

HF's own Executive Director is part of the Napa test site team along with a whole pool of HF Volunteer team members working to test as many Napa county citizens as possible.
The Vocalize Gathering

The Vocalize Gathering was a Zoom meeting held publically with keynote speakers delving into topics such as racism, unity, and public safety.
Be a Hero. Stay Home.

Help to raise funds for the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s COVID-19 Response Fund which works to help our healthcare workers on the frontlines by selling our "Be a Hero. Stay Home." shirts. Visit our website at theherofoundationus.org today and get your shirt!
Junefest 2019

The Hero Foundation hosted another charity concert, this time the proceeds went to Marin County's own COOL Effect which is an organization that works to greatly reduce carbon emissions on a global scale.
HF Climate March 2019

Members of The Hero Foundation gathered in front of Napa's City Hall, President Michael Rupprecht gave a speech to passersby, and the team proceeded to march through Downtown Napa to bring even more attention to the threat that Earth's climate is facing.
The Hero Foundation Camp Fire Relief Mission

Donation stations were set up throughout Napa County for people to donate clothing, household appliances, toiletries, and other supplies to aid those whose lives were severely ravaged by the Camp Fires. The Hero Foundation personally delivered the donations to Butte County.
The Heroes March for Alaina Housley

After beloved Napa-native Alaina Housely lost her life to gun violence, The Hero Foundation organized “The Heroes March” in honor of Alaina and all those who have lost their lives to gun violence. People of all ages gathered and marched in protest against gun violence in our country. Members of HF have also met with Congressman Mike Thompson to discuss how to help continue the conversation and act in ways that inspire our peers to be involved around politics and community activism and are organizing more conversations with citizens in Napa to discuss these important topics.
HF Mario Kart Tournament

Our Mario Kart Tournament where all proceeds went to the Alzheimers Association.
HF Clothing Drive

Our clothing drive in which clothing and shoes were donated to our local Goodwill and Soles4Souls, Inc.
Heroes of California T-Shirt

The Foundation has also raised money for the Community Foundation by designing and selling t-shirts through their Wildfire Relief T-shirt campaign, as well as collecting items to donate to help with Camp Wildfire Relief.
Junefest 2018

Junefest 2018 was a charity concert with a lineup comprised of local musical acts in which proceeds from ticket sales went to “The National Alliance to End Homelessness”
Cardinal Newman HS
Restoration Fund

Raised funds for the “Cardinal Newman Restoration Fund” in response to the destruction of Cardinal Newman High School during the October 2017 fires.
Save Northern California
Wildfire Relief Fund

The Hero Foundation’s very first quest. All the money raised from this fundraiser was donated to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund.